ON a scale-out HANA system, recovery failed, and you could see the following errors in backup.log:
RECOVERY RECOVER DATA finished with error: [110092] Recovery failed in nameserver startup: convert topology failed, mismatch: 1 statisticsservers configured in source topology, 0 standby in source topology, 2 in destination system, mismatch: 1 xsengines configured in source topology, 0 standby in source topology, 2 in destination system
Meanwhile, if you check the daemon.ini file for different nodes on HANA server, you’ll see there’re 2 nodes having the same content in their daemon.ini, for example:
cat hananode01/daemon.ini
[sapwebdisp] instances = 1
[statisticsserver] instances = 1
[xsengine] instances = 1
cat hananode02/daemon.ini
[sapwebdisp] instances = 1
[statisticsserver] instances = 1
[xsengine] instances = 1
HANA database 1.0 all releases
Reproducing the Issue
On a HANA scale-out landscape, when the master node and all slave nodes are not running, you tried to restart HDB server on the master node.
The recovery will always start on the master host which’s the first node in the configuration (nameserver.ini/[landscape]/master).
However on your system the last active master node was not the first node (hananode01) but the second node (hananode02). This mean a failover had taken place before and it had moved the 3 services sapwebdisp, statisticsserver and xsengine from hananode01 to hananode02 by changing the daemon.ini files. There are duplicated daemon.ini files in two nodes.
During the recovery with master node hananode01, HANA database will write the entries for the 3 services into its daemon.ini, but in fact, those services will not be removed from hananode02. This will result in error “topology mismatch”.
You need to remove the daemon.ini on all SAP HANA nodes that are different from the master node, and then you can recover HANA database from backup.
Additionally please make sure that no file daemon.ini exists in /usr/sap//SYS/global/hdb/custom/config. Otherwise it will be considered for all SAP HANA nodes.
See Also
SAP Note 1642148 – FAQ: SAP HANA Database Backup & Recovery